Annual average climate in Toledo
Below is a summary of the climatic averages over the entire year in Toledo:
- Minimum annual temperature: -7°C
- Average annual temperature: -3°C
- Maximum annual temperature: 1°C
Monthly climate normals
Min / Max | Precipitation | |
January | -7 ° / 1 ° | - |
The weather forecast was calculated from the values recorded at the TOLEDO BLADE weather station. This station is located in the United States, 2 km from Toledo and is at an altitude of 183 meters.
The best time to go, or the one to avoid
Here are some additional indications that should allow you to choose the best times to travel to Toledo, or the periods to avoid.
Which are the hottest months in Toledo?
In Toledo, the months of the year with the highest maximum temperatures are:
January (with 1°C), …
What are the coldest months?
The months of the year that register the lowest average temperatures in Toledo are:
January (with -3°C), …
What is the weather around?
Nearby cities with a similar climate
These other cities around Toledo could have fairly similar climatic normals:
Perrysburg (13 km from Toledo), Oregon (6 km), Sylvania (14 km), Maumee (14 km), Lambertville (13 km), Temperance (13 km), Rossford (6 km) , South Monroe (28 km), Waterville (23 km), Northwood (10 km), …
Around Toledo
You might also be interested in these cities:
Detroit (85 km from Toledo), Fort Wayne (144 km), Cleveland (156 km), Columbus (195 km), …
In the USA
Consult the climate forecasts for other major cities in the United States:
New York (806 km from Toledo), Los Angeles (3137 km), Chicago (340 km), Brooklyn (812 km), Houston (1696 km), Queens (820 km), Philadelphia (731 km), Phoenix (at 2660 km), San Antonio (at 1913 km), San Diego (at 3116 km), …
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