Mean annual climate in Stutterheim
Below are the key elements of the year-round climatic averages in Stutterheim:
Minimum annual temperature: 11°C
Average annual temperature: 18°C
Maximum annual temperature: 25°C
Precipitation: 103 mm/month...
Annual average climate in Ratnagiri
Below is a summary of the year-round climatic averages in Ratnagiri:
Minimum annual temperature: 23°C
Average annual temperature: 28°C
Maximum annual temperature: 32°C
Precipitation: 682 mm/month (with...
Annual average climate in Camagüey
We offer you a summary of the climatic averages over the whole year in Camagüey:
Minimum annual temperature: 21°C
Average annual temperature: 26°C
Maximum annual temperature:...
Come visit a variety of wild residents of Costa Rica on a half-day jungle safari from Central Pacific. You will face the world of crocodiles, the site also...
I'm taking you today to discover another must-see in Brittany, let's go visit Roscoff. One of the most touristic villages in northern Brittany, Roscoff is part of the...