Average Annual Climate in Machico
You will find a summary of the climatic averages over the whole year in Machico:
- Minimum annual temperature: 17°C
- Average annual temperature: 20°C
- Maximum annual temperature: 22°C
- Precipitation: 118 mm/month (with 13 rainy days/month)
Monthly climate normals
Min / Max | Precipitation | |
January | 14 ° / 19 ° | 155mm / 14 days |
february | 14 ° / 19 ° | 196mm / 17 days |
March | 14 ° / 20 ° | 139mm / 16 days |
April | 15 ° / 20 ° | 103mm / 15 days |
may | 16 ° / 22 ° | 57mm / 12 days |
June | 18 ° / 24 ° | 35mm / 6 days |
July | 20 ° / 26 ° | 14mm / 6 days |
August | 21 ° / 26 ° | 11mm / 4 days |
September | 20 ° / 26 ° | 57mm / 11 days |
October | 19 ° / 24 ° | 215mm / 19 days |
November | 17 ° / 22 ° | 180mm / 19 days |
December | 15 ° / 20 ° | 257mm / 21 days |
These weather averages were generated from the values recorded by the FUNCHAL/S.CATARINA weather station. This station is located in Portugal, 4 km from Machico and is located at an altitude of 49 meters.
The best time to go, and the worst
We also provide some additional answers that should allow you to choose the best time to go, or the periods to exclude.
Which are the warmest months in Machico?
In Machico, the months of the year with the highest maximum temperatures are:
September (with 26°C), July (with 26°C), August (with 26°C), …
What are the coldest months?
The months of the year that register the lowest average temperatures in Machico are:
January (with 17°C), february (with 17°C), March (with 17°C), …
Which are the driest months in Machico?
In Machico, the months of the year with the fewest rainy days are:
August (with 4 rainy days/month), July (with 6 rainy days/month), June (with 6 rainy days/month), …
What are the rainiest months?
The months with the most rainy days in Machico are:
December (with 21 rainy days/month), October (with 19 rainy days/month), November (with 19 rainy days/month), …
What is the weather around?
Nearby cities with a similar climate
Other cities near Machico could experience a more or less similar climate:
Funchal (16 km from Machico), Câmara de Lobos (21 km), São Martinho (18 km), Caniço (10 km), São Roque (15 km), Santana (14 km), Camacha ( 8 km away), Nossa Senhora do Monte (14 km away), São Vicente (27 km away), Ribeira Brava (28 km away), …
Around Machico
You might also be interested in these cities:
Funchal (16 km from Machico), …
In Portugal
Check the climate forecasts for other major cities in Portugal:
Lisbon (959 km from Machico), Porto (1184 km), Coimbra (1117 km), Funchal (16 km), Évora (1031 km), Faro (937 km), Beja (999 km) , Bragança (1342 km away), Castelo Branco (1146 km away), Ponta Delgada (982 km away), …
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